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About US

OUR Objectives

  • To revive and develop traditional and contemporary cultural skills of First Nations people
  • Conduct and/or facilitate research on First Nations heritage and culture
  • Increase First Nations people’s knowledge and use of their traditional language
  • Develop First Nations learning linguistic resources
  • Develop and test cultural-oriented educational curricula, methods and materials for use by other programs
  • Promote cross-cultural awareness in mainstream education programs and institutions
  • Develop and increase access to new and more accurate information about First Nations heritage
  • Improve the opportunities for the public to become knowledgeable and sensitive to the historical and current role of First Nations people in Canada 

OUR Mission

Ninastako exists to celebrate Blackfoot culture, preserve the Blackfoot language, and promote cross-cultural awareness. 

OUR History

Ninastako Cultural Centre Ninastako (NCC) is a member of the First Nations' Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres. In fact, Ninastako's Executive Director is the Vice President on the Board of Directors.


Ninastako was established in 1969 and served initially to provide Blackfoot classes in a language lab in St. Mary’s Residential School. Upgrading classes were also available.


Ninastako is 100% operated by members of the Blood Reserve.The staff includes an Executive Director, with contractual agreements made with numerous parties. The governing body is a 4-member Board of Directors, many of whom are elders who are called upon regularly as resource personnel in local schools. NCC's offers curriculum materials, including legends (animated videos in both Blackfoot and English), pictures, lesson plans and teaching activities.


Ninastako offers numerous classes, in a variety of formats: conversational Blackfoot classes (on-site, virtual, in classrooms, on local radio), singing/drumming classes (in classrooms), sewing and dancing classes (in classrooms), storytelling (on local radio), and  summer cultural camps.


The First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres (FNCCEC) is a non-profit, national organization representing a unified voice that leads in the promotion, protection, revitalization and maintenance of First Nations languages, cultures and traditions as given by the Creator.


FNCCEC is comprised of 55 Cultural Education Centres that reflect the cultural diversity of more than three hundred First Nation communities across Canada.​

The organization was incorporated in 1994 and is represented by a national Board of Governors with the board members duly appointed by their respective regions and territory. Cultural Education Centres are grassroots driven and are fundamental in developing and delivering language and cultural programs to their respective communities.


Collectively, the FNCCEC remains steadfast and committed to our visions in having our languages recognized and honoured with the status as first languages of this country, and that this status is respected among all people and for all generations; our respect for and connection to the land and Creation is celebrated; our ceremonies are practiced by our people of our nations; the leadership and structures of our nations and communities are based upon the traditions and values of our people; and, all of our people take responsibility to actively participate in the affairs of our nations.




Facility Location Proposed


Completed Feasibility Study


Presented to

Chief & Council 


10 Acre Allotment

from Akres Claim


Plans Developed



Development of Cultural Projects



from CTAC


Funding from Alberta Government


Letter of


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